About Us
Who we are
Initiated by Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) Foundation: The KEPSA Foundation started engaging stakeholders from the natural resources related subsectors in 2019 to address issues on natural capital in Kenya, culminating in the formation of the Natural Resource Forum (NAREF), which was recently legally registered. NAREF is a limited by guarantee, non-profit entity with no shares. KEPSA Foundation Board Members are also NAREF Trustees. NAREF will function as a Business Member Organization with KEPSA to create a vibrant natural resource industrial sector in Kenya to Influence government policies; Impact investors in the natural resource sector; Offer technical assistance to our members; Provide Green Industrial skills capacitation and enhance Green procurement for our members.
Formed through a Consultative Process: The Stakeholders of NAREF, through various consultations, agreed to form an umbrella body for the natural capital sector bringing together a wide range of actors from the relevant sectors, including environment, natural resources, forests, wildlife, marine, ocean, wetlands, green energy, and climate change subsectors.
Our Purpose
Key priorities
NAREFs seeks to be a platform to:
- Work with all stakeholders, mobilize resources to enhance natural capital investments, and advocate for increased budgetary allocation to the environment and sustainability sectors.
- Support implementation of environmental policy and build an accredited entity to spearhead the adoption of sustainable production and consumption practices, environmental and economic sustainability such as labelling on sustainable exploitation, use of natural resources, and environmental conservation.
- Enhance communication and public awareness on the contribution and value of Kenya’s natural capital to national development and the global economy.
- Promote mainstreaming of natural capital in national and sectoral policy and development plans considering relevant frameworks such as relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Regional Priorities, and National Targets.
- Support the formulation and development of key policies, programs, and projects at national and subnational levels relevant to the key sectors to enhance sustainability, conservation, and sustainable production and consumption of natural resources.
- Support monitoring and reporting on the relevant indicators linked to sustainability and natural capital within the SDG reporting framework at the national and county levels, such as through strategic linkages and partnerships.